Strains and Sprains
Repetitive Strain Injuries ("RSI") also called Occupational or Sports Overuse Syndromes are injuries to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, resulting in damage to muscles, joints, tendons nerves and other soft tissue. RSIs cause persisting or recurring pain, predominantly in the neck, shoulders, forearms, elbows, wrists, hands and lower limbs. RSIs like carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis tendonitis and bursitis can affect anyone involved in work that requires frequent repetitive motion of their arms or hands. It is more likely to happen if these movements are combined with awkward sustained unnatural or constricted positions and/or excessive force in work or leisure activities. RSIs are a serious workplace (including sport) health concern, which causes pain and suffering to the inflicted employee and costs the employer many lost work hours.
Cause or Possible Risk Factors
- Rapid movement injuries, caused by repeated rapid movements
- Forceful movement injuries, cause by exertion of muscle movement
- Static loading injuries, caused by fixed positioning with unsupported limbs
- Main cause is frequent and repetitive movements of a part of the body. For example, typing, using a computer mouse a lot, etc
- Numbness
- Tingling and burning sensations
- Pain, dull ache
- Dry, shiny palm
- Clumsiness of the hands (loss of ability to grasp items, impaired thumb and finger dexterity)
- Swelling around the wrist and hand
- Wasting of the muscles at the base of the thumb
- Aches and pains, which may be strongest at night
- Weakness, loss of grip strength and restricted mobility in the affected joints may be signs and symptoms of developing RSI
For more information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call us on 416 489 5313 (Finch) / 416 604 4404 (Jane) or email us at