Scar Tissue Treatment
Scar tissue develops after injury, as part of the normal healing process in the body. Collagen is a very strong and elastic substance which is present in all body parts. Collagen is found in muscles, tendons, ligaments, in the skin and in bones. Its strength allows it to resist tensile forces, such as stretching and pulling, without tearing or breaking (tensile force is a measure of the greatest stress that any material can withstand without breaking). When scar tissue forms after injury, the body produces excessive amounts of collagen to speed up the healing process. The excessive amounts of collagen form clumps of uneven tissue, which are called scar tissue. Sometimes, the scar tissue leads to contraction of the scar which leads to lack of flexibility in the tissue causing pain and dysfunction. Remodeling scar tissue helps to unclump the collagen to ensure that the muscle, tendon, skin, bone, or ligament becomes normal, healthy tissue again. Stretching the scar tissue helps to realign the collagen fibres and allows them to return to normal. These realigned collagen fibres make the tissue stronger and more flexible and better able to tolerate the forces that are placed on it. After some healing of a strained muscle or tendon has taken place, a physical therapist gently stretches the injured muscle to help properly remodel the scar tissue. Physical therapy is important to keep as much motion and strength in the joint as possible without pain. Without therapy and this re modeling process, the joint can lock or cause frequent pain.
For more information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call us on 416 489 5313 (Finch) / 416 604 4404 (Jane) or email us at